No 1437 of Living Life Series 1
There is more to life than we think. Life is not just about money, family, friends, hobbies, food, exercise, travels and religion. Inner peace is that which we must have more in life.
We can have more and more but without inner peace, we are no where near what we want.
With inner peace, even we have less than many, we feel we have more than many.
More can be less and less can be more. We can be far from inner peace with more.
With more, we end up far from inner peace. Go for less and we may end up with too little even for physical and worldly needs. We too will have no peace. Truth is always simple and yet profound.
We have to learn from life and from living in life to have that peace in life we refer to as inner peace.
Talking about it is not enough. Living life with this in mind will make us learn more of inner peace.
Knowing God and religion is not from religion, from men, from worship and from a holy place but from life itself. There is God, religion and better understanding of men living in life.
Life is God and the ideal religion and teacher. It is far more better than religions and men we know and yet to know. Life is the ultimate teacher of inner peace.
We can talk about inner peace. God and saints can tell us on inner peace but we need life to make us learn to have inner peace.
Bo Tien 武 天 says he comes not to favor any religion or to start any. He comes not to have followers but to remind all how to have inner peace in life and in any religion. We will then be better in what we are in our religion or even if none.
We can talk about inner peace. God and saints can tell us on inner peace but we need life to make us learn to have inner peace.
Bo Tien 武 天 says he comes not to favor any religion or to start any. He comes not to have followers but to remind all how to have inner peace in life and in any religion. We will then be better in what we are in our religion or even if none.