
The Living Life Series is dedicated to Lord Bo Tien (武天菩萨). The doctrine is in His image. The image is the doctrine. He who sees, understands and effects the doctrine sees and knows Him. He who does not see, know and effect the doctrine sees not and knows not the saint even if the saint or His image is beside him. The far may be near and the near may be far. Let the doctrine and the saint be part of our life. The lord saint in your life can be any heavenly saint of any religion, sect or school. The doctrine of truth is behind all and this is the Inner Truth that leads all (regardless of their religious affiliation or even if none) to inner peace and heaven on earth here and now and not just in the after life. The ideal worship and devotion is to know and effect the doctrine of God and the saints. The best gospel is the gospel of life. We learn from our life and the lives of others. The true temple is the world we live in. The sky is the roof of the temple and religions and sects are the pillars of the temple. All under Heaven are in the temple. Needless to say that all the saints we know are in this temple. Ji Gong Posat too is no exception. The whole wide world and web is the temple and must be regarded as a sacred place --- a temple for living and learning. It is more important that everyone that counts plays a role in this universal temple if due focus is to be given to the Mission of Heaven. Men must not be distracted by the agenda of men and end up serving the mission of man. That would be a far cry from the Mission of Heaven. We worship God and saints, not man however good that man may be. There should be no hero worshiping or idolizing of man whether he is a charismatic pastor, priest, monk, medium or lay leader. We don't even idol worship the image of any saint but reflect on what the image stands for. - the doctrine in the image. Omitofo 阿弥陀佛!.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Religion to bring out the smiles and cheers in all

No 1450 of Living Life Series 1

Always remember that we are not alone when we face imperfections in life. God too has to contend with Satan but he is at peace and not the least affected. 

Look at what we have and not what others have which we have not. We cannot be others and others cannot be us. What we have others want to have. What they have that we have not, we too want to have. This is envy. 

Envy makes us feel down and we frown at ourselves and think the worst of ourselves and of life. Life then becomes hell. 

No wonder some say hell is man-made. Why would anyone want to have hell. God is the last one to want to have Hell for us. 

Imperfection is hell to those in want and not happy with their lot. They are blind to their blessings. They are not at peace and whatever good they have or which come their way are just not good enough for them. These are not good at all for them. Why? 

They chose to live Hell on Earth. That is the reason why. Do be at peace and be in Heaven here and now, or at least have some bliss of sorts which is fulfilling for the moment and the moments that follow. 

We have to accept our lot as we have to accept imperfections. This applies to body and spirit - to worldly life and to spiritual life. 

Appreciate ourselves. Accept ourselves and then there will be light and life in our life and we will smile. 

Smile and others will smile at us. Smile will make us more lively and welcoming to others. 

Do not wear our problems on our face. This will make us unwelcome by others. Our bodily and spiritual beauty lies in our facial countenance. Have peace and we will smile, come what may. Smiling face is a beacon to light up life.

Do we want others to smile or to frown? If we want them to smile, then we too must smile and be cheerful. This is how to spread the peace and cheer in life with cheers.

This too applies to religion. Who would want a wrathful and grumpy God? God is never like that. It is those who are grumpy, tormented and angry who will see themselves in God and project God as grumpy and wrathful. 

That is why in religions, what represents God is often a smiling and cheerful character that all can identify with - that children will find fatherly and pleasant - like laughing Buddha or Santa.

The attractive and eye catching part of religion is often in characters like Santa or Laughing Buddha. The very thought of them brings cheers, peace and joy to all including children. Bells will ring aloud and add to the cheer for all, both for the better off and the worse off. 

Let all smile and be cheerful. Ring the bells of cheer to bring on life even in desolate and chilly winter of life when life is confined to the fireplace at home.

Let us be like Laughing Buddha or Santa whose YO HO HO precedes him wherever he goes and announces his presence. 

Go through the dirty sooty chimney of the lives of desolate others even if their doors are locked and tightly shut and they are isolated and cloistered around the narrow fireplace of life. 

Bring out the life in them so that they will reach out to others who isolate themselves in the wintry woes of life. This is love that religions talk about. 

Such divine love is in all religions and is centred on peace with life and its imperfections. Sometimes, we must realise that the greater imperfections in life is ourselves for not accepting life and not being at peace like God and saints.

This is the message of Bo Tien 武 天 so that all regardless of religion, culture and community will be at peace and will always smile to bring out the smiles and cheers in others as well. Religion must bring out the smiles and cheers in all.

Monday, June 19, 2017

We want peace but do we know how to have this?

No 1449 of Living Life Series 1

When we are doing too many activities and preoccupied with life, and others too are also engrossed with life and multi-tasking, communication with others can be flawed. 

We tend to assume they know what we want. Others too will think we know what they mean and want. 

So both parties speak in few words and are brief to point of being vague. This leaves a lot to imagination. 

Both parties misconstrue and the result is that both are taken aback when the outcome does not turn out to be what each party expected. This is due to fast pace of life which does little for inner peace. 

Sometimes, in life we have to pause and reflect. If this somehow cannot be done, keep silence and do not rock the boat when there is actually no storm in the first place. The rock may sink if it is rocked too often. We will then get a sinking feeling in life. 

There is lack of inner peace to begin with. We must start every moment with inner peace, live through the moment in peace and end it with peace to go through the next moment in the same way. 

Then, we are not in a world of our own and able to decide if the other party is at peace for us to communicate with. Either we keep silence till the other party is ready and at peace, or we speak out slowly what we want clearly, step by step and give no room to misunderstanding. 

These two alternatives require us to be at peace to decide how we proceed. We have to think and be mindful before we speak and do. 

If there is no peace in us, better to keep silence and just listen. The other party too may not be ready as not at peace. This too we must consider. 

Inner peace is everything we we need to have in life for us to do anything. We want peace. We need inner peace in daily life and in spiritual. 

When people say they want to be at peace with God, it is the same inner peace that makes us at peace with life. Some refer to this as to be filled with the peace of the Holy Spirit. Some refer to this as clarity or insight of mind - mindfulness that leads to sainthood. It is a matter of semantics.

Religions appear different because of semantics but they are referring to the usual same thing which is inner peace.

The same truth is somehow present in all religions but people being what they are may not realise this when they are passionate with their religion.

They will find excuses to show religions are different. Reality is that religions are same and different at the same time. They are same in core basics but are different in approaches and styles. Purpose is to reach out to the masses across the globe.

Problem is that when we say all religions are the same, those in the religion we are in will think that we are mistaken and need to be counselled. 

The fascinating part is the fact that they are the ones who need to be counselled. But how to counsel so many? 

Best is to let them be and keep the peace. When they are ready, then speak a word or two with them to test if they are ready. If not, then we shut up and not cause upsets for them. We do not want even to cause storms in a teacup. We need peace.

This assertion by Bo Tien 武 天 that all religions and cultures are trying to bring more to be at peace with life and also with life beyond life. There is need for peace in the moment and in the many moments that follow. There is need for peace in life and in the many lives that follow. 
We cannot be self-serving and we cannot be serving but end up denying on self. We need to love ourselves but not end up at others' expense. We cannot love others but not love ourselves. There must be balance to have inner peace. We indulge nor deny ourselves or others. We must be balanced.

We want peace but do we know how to have this? We think we do but this is when we don't really know. That is why many argue till kingdom come and when they do this, they are not at peace, and do not know or know too little. Isn't this true? Do reflect on the know-how and the do-not. 

Silence often is golden and an attitude of give-and-take (much akin to forgiveness) may often be the way out. Often it is not forgiveness because the party whom we think is at fault may be right in his own way. We may be the ones who have erred. We can only hope the other party too has the give-and-take attitude. 

To be at peace requires clear thinking. Without inner peace, there can be no clear thinking. Ironically, without clear thinking, there is no peace. The stop gap or interim measure is to remain silent and not fan up any unpleasantness. 

One less word even if we cannot be silent will go a long way to ensure that a fire do not end up as a beyond control bushfire that can escalate to engulf a whole forest. 

This applies to any aspect of life, be it religion, family or working life. We want peace but often in the heat of the moment, we do not know how to have this. 

Just keep the gap shut and not add fuel to fire. Let the fire dissipate and fizzle out. Let there be at least a cooling off period of sorts. 

There is the exception when there is no need to keep the gap shut. But we must be perfect with imperfection - peaceful even if there are upheavals. A saint may want to shake up mankind and he can do it well in peace even with those battling among themselves. 

But for folks like us, we cannot do so. We are no saviors for ourselves, let alone try to wake up everyone. Saints are different and can keep the peace and change men. 

We cannot keep our own peace and what we do may tear our limited peace to pieces and shreds. How can we change people for the better and bring about peace for others? 

We want peace but do we know how to do this? Do not be conceited and be carried away and think we can be like the saints and prophets. 

If we do what they did, we will undo what they did. Isn't this pathetic? We are no saints - not even a wee bit saintly for now and in the foreseeable future. 

That is the reality we must know and be humble about it. Do not exalt ourselves only to be humbled. Do humble ourselves and others will appreciate us better. The humble will be exalted.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Any religion will do if we know how

No 1448 of Living Life Series 1

We are in a world where everyone sees his own needs and demand the world out of others. Some are more diplomatic but still pressuring. Others more outright blunt. They tell us what they want and will not accept that we cannot accede. They hear not what we have to say. We don't even have any say. 

This is the result of disconnect with the divine, and conscience is as good as absent. If they can, they will take the law into their own hands. 

If we orbit in their world, we will be hard put to have any peace. Soon we end up like them. Better to be out of their orbit and keep the distance. If we have to be with them, leave them to behave the way they want. If need be, be firm and that may be best, and at least we will have some peace. 

We live our own life and want our peace and have the piece of life we can have. Let them not tell us how to live. We decide how to live life. We do not stop them to them to live their way. We do not tell them how to live life. 

Associate with the peaceful and not with those who have no peace and just out to have more and more. They will end up frustrated and misfits. 

If they take the law into their own hands, they will get burnt. They get consequences of their own actions, be it heavenly or worldly - God or the law of the land. 

Let us keep the peace and have our piece of life in peace as much as we can with the world at large, and not in the narrow world of the heartless, unfilial, disloyal, unfriendly, partisan, unscruplous and the godless. 

Getting upset with them is of no use and will rob us off whatever peace and piece of life we have. 

May we learn to be more godly and peaceful like God towards other men, not like the devil whom even God cannot stop and change. If God cannot but still extend an olive branch to them, how much can we mortals do. 

But we should be able to be a bit like God and extend a helping hand but keep our distance, lest we be swallowed into the devil of their world. 

If we can, bring them out into the wider world of peace and love where they are outnumbered and in time will be mellowed down and be won over by peace. This does not mean we make them worse and let them have their ways. 

Do pray and meditate during our quiet time at night for the resilience to keep our peace and win them over to more peaceful ways in life.  Life is like that. We must be on top of life and life not be on top of us.

Now we understand why there is the concept of God and Satan in every religion. For those who don't grasp the concept at the level of our day to day life, they will think that God and Satan do not exist. 

But this is the only way to put to the majority of people of the days of old who were less informed and educated. This is the only way for the truth of the need for inner peace and the how to do so to be passed on to us over over the many centuries of time. 

But we need to be discerning and read between the lines. Those who do not go to the philosophical level will think wrongly why God is so useless. He cannot even handle Satan. How can God be God? 

That is why we need to be logical and grasp the inner truth behind. There is need to keep the peace and no one is exempt from problems. It is how to have peace in life. We cannot change the world. But we can change our mind set and determined to be at peace come what may in life.

Don't say that God will help us or why God is not doing so. God has given the Word. The Word is God. It is to be like God and have peace never mind if there are Satans in other people or in life. Inner peace is the Word.

Then equipped with inner peace, we can be victors of life and not victims of life.

We do not want to be killed by life. We want to be more alive in life.

God cannot promise perfection. He can only provide the perfect way to handle imperfection. This is how God handles Satan. Inner peace is the way.

The above is what we can learn from Bo Tien 武 天 who stresses on the inner truth of the need for inner peace through any religion. Any religion will do. 
Yes! Indeed any religion will do if we know how. Doesn't matter how we come to realise this. 

Do not idolise the person or saint from whom we learn how to. It is not idolising that will help us but the Word that is important. 

But do not make the mistake of idolizing the man who tells us about the Word. He is in the same boat as us even if religion refers to him as a pastor or priest. Mere mention of pastor or priest is as good as encouraging idolising of that man.

Do not even idolize the Word or teaching and worship the teaching when we are not to even idolise God or a prophet or saint. 

It is how we live in the Word and make it come to life in us - to give us inner peace here and now and not wait till kingdom come in afterlife

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Transmiting truth through simple stories

No 1447 of Living Life Series 1

All religions are different but still one in promoting goodness and peace of spirit in all. All religions are one and we must learn to be one in all religions. 

We must be able to see beyond, behind and go to the upper source where the same clear water of truth is present. Bo Tien 武 天 says that to get natural clear water, we must go to the upper source. 

We must read between the lines and fathom the in depth but simple philosophy that is present and inherent. 

The problem faced in promoting any religion is that there is need to act and not wait till people are ready. Do what can be done to bring religion to as many but in a simple way. This will then enable those who want to know more to get to the root or upper source of the teachings. 

There is a flipside to proliferation and getting quick results. The same problem is present even in life outside religion. 

The problem we face when we try to go for quick results is that we often forget to be mindful. We end up assuming and jumping to conclusions. We end up doing what would get us what we want now but we create the need to do other actions subsequently. 

We solve the immediate problem. But our solution creates more problems for us to handle. This is why it is said thus by Bo Tien 武 天. The problems of men are many and plentiful. 

The story of Adam and Eve is worthy of mention. When there is lack of mindfulness and in the hustle and bustle of life, we never give a second, let alone more thoughts. We may miss and not pick up the profound philosophy behind it. 

Adam wanted to eat the apple and the apple was there. He just ate and felt satisfied. Immediate problem is attended to effectively. But if we care to think more deeply, there is the lack of inner peace and this resulted in his being mindless - to put it bluntly. This creates problems aplenty. 

Isn't this the Genesis way in ancient times to teach inner peace and mindfulness to common people during the ancient times. These are people of the masses who were not in the ruling educated elite class of the king or emperor in the old days. 

This is one good example that if we examine carefully, we can find the same teaching of inner peace in all religions and in life at all times. 

The authors of the Genesis were mindful to provide the simplest way to promote this, not just for their times but for generations to come. This is the only way to pass down the teaching through simple story for the benefit of many generations to come. 

But men tend to take the story literally and create more ignorance and doubts. This too is example of solving problem but creating unintendedly more problems. 

The authors of the Genesis should be credited for being resourceful in using a story that is attractive but will still pass the message of the need for inner peace to those who come after them several centuries later. 

The story will still be effective for the future but people in modern days who are educated must read between the lines. As for others more so the children, it is enthralling and more than a good fairy tale which many want to consider as real. One day, more and more will appreciate the deep doctrine or truth behind it. 

This inner truth is in the story and also in all religions. But we tend to see the differences and not the same oneness of the teachings in all cultures, in all times, and in all religions. There is the inner truth. The inner truth is the need to have inner peace. This is the universal truth. 

There is need to transmit truth and reality through simple down to earth concepts that even those with no or little education or time to spare could accept. This applies to any aspect of life, religious or otherwise. 

Good leaders of society and nation have to do so. If they are to dwell into the intricacies of what they meant to do, however correct and sound they are, the policies will fall flat for few will understand or have time to digest. 

Support is needed from the start. There is need to reach out to the people and masses from the word 'go'. They need to know how benefit will come to them almost immediately. But the more important is the long term benefit which needs belt tightening and some degree of austerity or biting the bullet. 

To deliver the long term desired end, there must be immediate sugar coating to sweeten and wow the lives of men. Many are too tied up with the daily affairs of life to have time to think beyond the instant sweetening they get here and now. 

They are too involved in the nitty gritty woes of life to think beyond. What they want is immediate sweetening of any sorts. That goes without saying. Tomorrow and the future can wait. That is the lot of the many. 

If leaders of any land, society and nation know that, they will deliver long term sound policies but always introduce them with immediate sweeteners. The same would apply more to leaders of religion. That is the way to go if there is need to reach out to the many and win them over to religion. 

Religion cannot go direct to the core or inner truth and if this is done, religion will not appeal to many except for a handful. What appeals is what many stand to gain for now and this is about sweeteners. Religions do differ on this but are one in the core or inner truth - the need to cultivate inner peace in life. 

There is the need to transmit truth through sweeteners which can take the form of simple promises - stories that appeal to emotion and the easy way such as believe and by grace be saved. This may give mistaken notion of just idolising or hero worshipping God and doing nothing more - no need to go further than that. 

But to the more discerning, they go not for the literal meaning but for what is more than literal. 

They can be saved by God if they believe and live in the truth of the need to have inner peace and be like God. 

Many are not so mindful and many have not more than an iota or two of peace. They fail to have the time and a more settled mind to realise that there is the condition attached to being saved. 

They forget and just do not bother to grasp how God can save them - that there is the "if" or condition. They just want the simple stories and that is how religions could attract them. Religions transmit truth through simple stories. How else can God and saints bring the masses to religion? 

There is need to appear to give people what they want - the simple stories and easy way out. But once the many are in religions, God and saints will do what they can to awaken many to have insight of the truth. 

The many come to religion but are far though near. One day, they will be near to truth though far to begin with. Bo Tien 武 天 says this, didn't he? He did. He says the near may be far and the far near. It is just a matter of time and context. Isn't this true?

Friday, June 9, 2017

Life and learning in the same world temple we share

No 1446 of Living Life Series 1

We are in the world. The world is under Heaven. The sky is the roof of the world. Heaven with God is the roof. All are in this big house of God. The world is one big house or temple. 

Is there the need to say your temple your temple is not my temple. Your religion is not my religion. 

The true religion is life. The world is one big holy place. Life is the true religion. Life is the holy text. The world is a holy place. Time is the gift. How we make use of the gift to make life meaningful and rewarding is up to us. 

We should not desecrate the world temple, the holy text of life and the gift of time by thinking, speaking and doing unworthy things. This will be great mistakes on our part. 

We should not take life for granted. Time is so limited. We must not waste time away. 

But do not be carried away. We often even forget we must rest. Resting is not a waste. We need to recharge by resting. 

Rest is more worthy than thinking, speaking and doing hurtful things which will desecrate the world - the common house of God for all. 

Many waste time (the divine gift) but want to have chance to live longer but they have not much time left. So the lesson and remedy is this. 

Do what we can and be fruitful in doing good. Give peace to oneself and have peace to share with others. Make progress and work and contribute to the world in our own small ways. 

Do not try to put on shoes that are too big for us. Be modest and let others do their parts as well. What we cannot do, others can do. That would be wonderful. Rejoice for them and with them. Learn from them in whatever way we can. 

We cannot be them. They too cannot be us and may not be able to do what we can do. We can cooperate with them. But do not ape or want others to ape us. 

Often, it is best we do what we do best. No need to ape or be aped. This is best. 

We do our part. Others too as well. Together we can do more even if we act not in concert. This is still alright. 

Do not look down on ourselves and feel so let down. Have no guilt for self. This is worse than looking down on others. 

We are in the same one world temple. Many up there, down there and out there are waiting to come to this world temple. 

So when we are among the limited many who are here, we treasure who we are and what we have. Time is short and fast. Time is precious. We don't have time for all the good we want to do. 

We cannot waste time by overdoing and getting tired. Then we treasure not life. Rest is more worthy than overdoing and be tired. We rest so that we can focus on the more worthy issues when awake. 

We need to start to live better, to continue to live better and to have the best at the end of life. We need inner peace in life. 

This is the worthiest of the worthy. All others do not last and do not follow us around. We need only the basic to have all the rest. Without the basic, what we have or can have is of no value. 

Inner peace is what we need to be happy here, now and for eternity. We are in the world temple and this is the best place to pick up and grow the inner peace. 

We are in the holiest place. We are in the world. 

We need to recharge the spirit. We need to rest by night so as to be at peace in the day. We need to be at peace in the day so that we can really rest by night. Without rest, there is no inner peace. Without inner peace, there is no rest. Rest and inner peace go hand in hand. 

Even God needs rest and he has the perfect inner peace. We too need rest for the far from perfect inner peace we have or can have for now. 

It is simply lucky that we are in the world - the universal temple for all regardless of religion, culture and nation. So do our best but do not over do and forget to have rest. 

The above sums up what Bo Tien 武 天 wants to share with us, whatever the religion, race, culture or nation we may be in or have. 

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Religion is no philosophy. Is this the case?

No 1445 of Living Life Series 1

In ancient days, people obeyed the ruler out of fear. The ruler was king. When religion was championed by the ruler, the ruler made sure people fear God as much as they fear and trembled before the ruler. 

During those days, the only ones with education were the the ruling class. Even if there was doctrine or philosophy in religion, people would not understand, and what they understood was fear. Disobey and they would be punished or even killed. This made people fear God though God is supposed to be loving. 

So in modern days of 2017 and beyond, the world is different. The people elect the rulers. The people took over the role of king. They do not buy the need for fear. In fact, even religion fears them. 

Moreover, the people are more educated than the priests or leaders who manage religion. Surely the priests will lose out to the people in philosophy. So, they say that religion is no philosophy. 

Since the people are the ones who put the priests where they are, surely the priests cannot use fear to control the people. 

Both fear and philosophy somehow take back seats. Both become no no in religion. 

Thus what is left or to put it bluntly the only recourse is to reassure that all that is needed by the people is to believe in God and all will be saved. Thus the concept of salvation by grace takes over from salvation through fear and philosophy. 

Without fear and without stress on logic, religion easily attracts those who want religion to serve their self interests and not God. Even God has to serve their interests - so it seems to be. 

Thus there will be many who come to a holy place for unholy personal needs, just like ants and insects coming to a flower for nectar. If there is no nectar, people will move over to another religious place where even those who hurt and harm in the name of religion will be promised that they will be saved by grace. Just ask and their sins will be no longer there. 

Do we want religion to be like that? Do we also want to go to a religion out of fear? These are the two extremes. These are not acceptable, or are these acceptable?

Then is there a third alternative? Well, there is the third option and this is in any religion or belief system. This is the only reason left to be in religion if we do not agree with fear and grace. 

We have to see the philosophy behind religion. 

But are the priests able to handle more educated and well informed people? 

Then there is the issue of whether such people are willing to slog it out to understand the doctrine God stands for. 

People are too involved with the world, and for religion, they want the easy way out. They want to be saved by grace. 

For religion to catch on, the role of grace will take the limelight. The question we are posed with is why we still do not want to accept this? 

We have to be thinking people and thinking cannot be wrong. We need to think in almost everything or issue in life. But why are we not to think but just belief in religion? 

To make us conform, w are told to just believe and be saved by perhaps the most unlikely lot who go to religion for worldly nectar and not for God and the Word of God. Word becomes a taboo and replaced by belief and worship - no need for philosophy. Religion is no philosophy. But is it not true that the Word is God and God is the Word? Has this not to do with philosophy and logic?

Bo Tien 武 天 says that more important to see the truth in life that is in all religions. This is the doctrine or inner truth. He who sees the truth is near to God and saints than the one who goes to a house of God and knows not the truth or Word. He says thus. "My image is the doctrine. The doctrine is my image." 
Religion is not just a philosophy for life but more than a philosophy as it deals with not only the present life but the afterlife. We need to be logical and not blind to reason and logic when everything we do in life, we need to think. For religion too we need to think and not act out of fear or leave matters to grace.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Good life not dependent on what we have

No 1444 of Living Life Series 1

We want to have a good life. This does not depend on money alone. 

If it is money, then those who earn more are all happy all the time. But they are not. They may spend more than they can earn. They even spend money they have not yet earned via credit cards. 

Good life does not depend on money. It does not depend on friends. 

It is good to have friends. We cannot depend on them to be happy before we can be happy and have good life. If it is so, we have to make them happy and have the good life before we can have ours. 

Good life does not depend on family. When young, we do depend on family. When older, family depends on us to have good life. 

But the best is that we have the good life with what we have and within what we can have and yet have more for rainy days. 

We can have good life even if life is not good to us. We make life work for us by not depending on just money, friends and family. 

We cannot work for life but make life work for us if we can be happy with less and yet have more. Less of money, friends and family can be more advantageous than having more of money, friends and family. 

We must have more of inner peace and we will have better life than if we have no inner peace and have more of money, friends and family however supportive these may be. 

Nothing is enough. Nothing can help us if we are not rich in inner peace. How rich we are, be it money, friends and family will not be good enough to give us the good life if we are poor in inner peace. 

The humble but rich in spirit will be exalted and the exalted but poor in spirit will be humbled. This is not by God or the ruler of the land but by none other than ourselves. 

The determinant is having or not having enough of the spirit of inner peace. This inner peace enriches the the spirit and if we are rich in spirit, life will always work for us even if we have less of money, friends and family. 

Many go for spiritual retreats away from money, friends and family to cultivate the more of the spirit which money, friends and kin cannot give them. There is no need to do that - to go for retreats. 

If we are with the world of money, people and kin, and if we are strong enough to depend on our own through richness of the spirit, this will be better than running away from money, people and family. 

The real world we are in is fertile ground to test our ability to cultivate a rich spirit of inner peace. No need to run away for retreats, only to come back to the world and face the world and find it is still difficult to have inner peace. Why waste time and the fertile ground for us to grow the inner peace? 

Good in a way if we are not born with silver spoons. If born with silver spoons, we will not be in a fertile ground to grow the inner peace. But we will wonder, why we are restless and not at peace though we have plenty and we should be happy. 

We seem to want more and more and life becomes depressing. Enough then is never enough. That is why. What is missing is the spirit of inner peace. 

Bo Tien 武 天 says that inner peace is important in whatever we do. Inner peace is taught in all religions and is in life - any religion and life will do. This is the truth - the common inner truth behind life and religions. 

Inner peace is for this life and for the afterlife. Wait not for the afterlife. We will be dead to life even before we can have the afterlife. If we are dead to inner peace in this life, we will not have inner peace in afterlife. 

Then where do we stand and what life we will have in afterlife? How are we to have the good life in the afterlife when we not have inner peace in this life of the here and now?  

Monday, June 5, 2017

Do nothing and keep the silence can be good

No 1443 of Living Life Series 1

When we are in a rush, we cannot be at peace. When we try to do more in a given day, we will be rushing. We will have less peace. 

When we are not at peace, we cannot think clearly. We do what we don't want to do and end up with no peace. We don't want to get worked up but we end up getting worked up. We don't want to spend money but end up spending as others could not help us. 

We will do more of what we think there is no choice but what we did effectively adds to our problems. We will do what we should not do, such as wasting time and spending on what we cannot afford. Like comfort eating, comfort spending seems satisfying for now but create more problems down the road. 

We end up creating problems when trying to solve problems. The problems of men are many and plentiful. 

We cannot change the problem ways of others but that they create problems for us should not be excuse to create more problems for them as we end up having more problems as well. 

Problems attract problems when we are not at peace and act or speak when we are not at peace. Why not keep silent, do nothing, speak nothing till we feel better and able to be at peace? 

We can thus change ourselves even if we cannot change others. Trying to change others is often at times impossible. Keep the silence and any unrest will settle down. 

Stir the mud and more mud we will have. Do nothing till mud settles down and there is clear water. 

For the same reason, do not try to advice others when they are not at peace and worked up. It is like throwing water to a stirred up muddy pool. This will not make the water less muddy but make it more muddy for an even longer time. 

The above is based on the various aspects of the truth that Bo Tien 武 天 says is in all religions, in any religion and also in life. This is the Inner Truth. 

Be in the world and not out of this world

No 1442 of Living Life Series 1

Many just cannot accept the real world. They go to where they can live in the world they prefer and where they are the very ones who matter. They are not the ones who matter in the real world but can be the focus of the world they create. 

They cannot fit into the world and they expect the world to fit to them. 

Religion is where they can create the artificial world to fit to them. 

Another group finds their job world is better able to fit to them and meet their need for recognition. They have no place or world beside their job world. 

Their life orbits in this world. There is no day or night for them, no sunset and sunrise as whether sunset or sunrise they are in the job world and just want to stay in the job world. 

They have no time for the world at large. There is no difference between sunrise and sunset, weekend or weekdays. 

We must be in the world at large and not just limit our world to just religion or work. 

We serve the land. We serve God. We cannot have God without the land. We cannot serve the land and be oblivious to God and the higher calling. 

We must be wholesome and not partial or lopsided. We give to the land what is due to the land and to God what is due to God. 

We cannot just live as though we are already in the afterlife when we are still in this life. 

We cannot live life as though there is no afterlife and no God. Then we have no reason to be good and life is cheap and like animals, kill or be killed, harm or be harmed. 

But the correct approach is to be in this world and to have God with us in this world. We wait not for afterlife for Shangrila. We can have bliss even while in flesh. We can have the best of both worlds. 

What give us spiritual happiness too if applied to worldly life give us worldly happiness. 

Inner peace makes us succeed in spiritual oneness with God and makes us ride the ups and downs in life. 

We do not want everything. We are not given to greed as this gives us no peace. 

We do not give up everything and run away from the world as wherever we go, it is still the world and we still have needs. This troubles us and there is no peace. 

We just have inner peace and reap more inner peace come rain or shine in life. 

In religion, we go for God and the peace that is of God. We go for God and not men in religion. We do not go for men in religion for then we will be sickened by the games men play in the name of God and we will be far from peace and God.

The above sums up what is told to us by all religions. This Bo Tien 武 天 wants us to know so that we will be better in our religion and in life.  Be in the world and not out of this world.  

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Be the likeness and the image of God

No 1441 of Living Life Series 1

If we cannot be at peace handling the routine problems of life and keep thinking about them, we will have more to think and brood about when bigger problems occur. 

We must be at peace handling even the small problems and the small people who irritates us. If we think a great deal over the small problems and the small people, we spend more time thinking than living life. 

Why waste time that way? Time and tide waits for no man. Be at peace with problems and think less and live more. 

Don't live in the world of thoughts and end up not living or living less in the real world. If small problems affect us that badly, how much more will we be affected by big problems? 

Our life flies by and is short. Don't be bugged by everyday run of the mill matters in life. Be more aware of the world and live in the real world. There are many matters we have no problem with but we take this for granted. Instead we brood over the few nitty gritty unpleasantries, we have yesterday or the days before and forget the pleasant experiences we have or had. This is us. 

Perhaps we expect too much and when we are like that, we will be on edge and distracted. We forget to live in the here and now. If we forget to live in the here and now, we will soon brood over this. We will have more to boord about. We end up with more axe to grind. 

How can we harness the tomorrows. Remember the past, even the immediate past is history and over. The present is a present - a gift. The future is yet to be and in a way a mystery. We cannot expect too much for tomorrow. Why? Come tomorrow and if it is not up to expectation, we will be disappointed and even more edgy. 

We will end up living ever on edge. This is because we live less and spend too much time brooding and yet we expect more out of life. 

We expect more out of life when we have less life. We waste life in brooding. 

It is not that we cannot think. We can think and we should, otherwise we will be mindless and aimless. 

But we need to live more by downplaying our expectations. We cannot go for the sky in every matter, even in the small matters. Otherwise, we will not hold our ground and we fall. 

We are supposed not to fall but to move on. If we go for the sky even in small matters, we will buckle and fall ever so often. 

We need to move on. There are more to it in life than what we had or experienced. Never mind the upsets here and there. 

But if we do not have inner peace in everything we do or did in life, we will be bogged down and buried by the many upsets which become our woes in life. 

If we have inner peace, these are not woes but at worst only pricks or insect bites to be forgotten. Time will heal even big wounds. 

Just have inner peace. When big issues beset us, we are already conditioned by inner peace to do what we can and let whatever will be to be. We just focus on our many other blessings and good feelings. 

We move on. We live life and not brood over life. This is the way or teaching of God and saints. We will be increasingly be like them. We are somewhat Godly. God and men will find us pleasant. 

We will be loved by God and men. Why? We love life. We love ourselves and do not want ourselves to suffer. 

We guard our inner peace and have more of the peace. We will be more loving in nature. This becomes our second nature and in time this peace and love is us. 

God is love and peace all in one. We are reflections of God. We can say we are made in the image of God. 

This has been reflected to us by Bo Tien 武 天 who says we must live in the meaning in his image for in his image is the doctrine - the very truth in life. He like God is in us and we in him if we have inner peace. 

Be driver of life and not be driven by life

No 1440 of Living Life Series 1

Never say never. Never say we can and no problem at that. 

The outcome cannot be as sure as sunrise and sunset. 

But what is sure is that we will face issues. No issue is too big or too small. 

We may be disappointed if even small issue we cannot handle. Something may crop up to result in this. 

But we must have the peace of mind to face problems and issues. Let's face it. We must not be defeated by life. We must just move on and make do. 

There are many other things we can do even if one or two we cannot do. We must not be waylaid by life. For this we must have inner peace. 

What we want is to move on and on in life. But do not rush and be burnt out by life. Life cannot make us the victims. We need to be the masters of life and not be sidetracked by problems. 

A master must be calm and composed all the time come rain or shine. He must have the confidence that nothing will dent his spirit when beset with the downs in life or be swept off his feet with no peace when on high and overjoyed by torrent of good things coming his way. 

Be there joy or sorrow, he keeps his calm and peace. He has the inner peace. Then he is in control of life and not controlled by life. 

He is the driver of his own life and not driven by life. He is not driven around by the ups and downs of life but rides over peacefully and easily over the ups and downs - the yin and yang 

The yin and yang is no longer a concern. He has inner peace and drives his own life. Destiny cannot make a mockery out of life for him. 

This true doctrine is in life and in all religions. Bo Tien 武 天 shares this with us. 

Bo Tien 武 天 says he comes not to favor any religion or to start any. He comes not to have followers but to remind all how to have inner peace in life and in any religion. 

We will then be better in what we are in our religion or even if none. We will also be better in life outside religion. 

We do not utilise religion to escape and run from life - to run away from the ups and downs, the yin and the yang but only to find we face the same in religion as well. 

Be a driver of life and not be driven by life. Have inner peace. 

We have to live life, not expect God or others to live life for us. God teaches us the Doctrine of life that gives us inner peace. We must live life in line with his Word. God is the Word and the Word is God.

Be with life but with inner peace and be with God

No 1439 of Living Life Series 1

We cannot run away from life. We are still with life whatever we do and wherever we go. 

The only choice is what life we want to have and whether we can have this life. 

The problems of life will still be the same whatever the life we choose to have and even if we can have the choice.

Even in a holy place, we face the problems and the devil of life in men. Men bring their problems to religion.

We cannot have life without problems. We can however choose to be not affected by problems by being at peace with life come rain or sunshine. 

Storms do not last forever and calm seas do not remain calm for long. Sunset and sunrise follow each other. 

It is how we can have life in peace with sunset and sunrise that counts. Blame not storms or sunsets for our not having life during storms and come night. 

We ourselves determine whether we have life and peace. What life we have and how wonderful it can be depends on us. It does not depend on others or even God. 

But if we can be at peace and love life, we attract others who are at peace and love life. Our peace and love for life can mitigate the problems in life and the problems others can give us in life. 

The antidote for the many issues and problems of man is inner peace and love for life. 

We learn from problems to be better off in life to handle more problems. 

With inner peace we create less problems and attract less problems. 

With inner peace, big issues seem small issues even if they cannot be no issues. 

Give it a try and go for more inner peace. 

The taste of salt cannot be described and is best experienced. The taste of inner peace lies in having it. 

Go for inner peace and be with the gods or God. Then we will experience the God presence which too can never be described but need to be experienced. 

Be with life but with inner peace and be with God. 

The above is based on the mentions of Bo Tien 武 天 which he says is in all religions. He refers to this as the Inner Truth - inside all religions. 

Saturday, June 3, 2017

The Divine Intent

No 1438 of Living Life Series 1

Bo Tien 武 天 says he comes not to favor any religion or to start any. He comes not to have followers but to remind all how to have inner peace in life and in any religion. We will then be better in what we are in our individual religion or even if none.

Go for the Divine Intent and not the one who utters it. Matters not if he be God, saint or man. What matters is what he stands for and not who he is. This Bo Tien 武 天 says. The Doctrine is him and he is the Doctrine. We can find this doctrine or intent in all religions. 

He is for all religions. Religions are the pillars of the universal temple. The whole world is that temple. The sky is the roof. God and saints form the roof. We are in the same world or temple regardless of religion, creed or culture.

Life is the ultimate teacher of inner peace

No 1437 of Living Life Series 1

There is more to life than we think. Life is not just about money, family, friends, hobbies, food, exercise, travels and religion. Inner peace is that which we must have more in life. 

We can have more and more but without inner peace, we are no where near what we want. 

With inner peace, even we have less than many, we feel we have more than many. 

More can be less and less can be more. We can be far from inner peace with more. 

With more, we end up far from inner peace. Go for less and we may end up with too little even for physical and worldly needs. We too will have no peace. Truth is always simple and yet profound.

We have to learn from life and from living in life to have that peace in life we refer to as inner peace. 

Talking about it is not enough. Living life with this in mind will make us learn more of inner peace. 

Knowing God and religion is not from religion, from men, from worship and from a holy place but from life itself. There is God, religion and better understanding of men living in life. 

Life is God and the ideal religion and teacher. It is far more better than religions and men we know and yet to know. Life is the ultimate teacher of inner peace. 

We can talk about inner peace. God and saints can tell us on inner peace but we need life to make us learn to have inner peace.

Bo Tien 武 天 says he comes not to favor any religion or to start any. He comes not to have followers but to remind all how to have inner peace in life and in any religion. We will then be better in what we are in our religion or even if none.