No 1351 of Living Life Series 1
This is easier said than done. Perhaps, it is because they need a real person to talk to even if they believe in God and saints.
Then for pastors themselves, why are they trying to solve others' problems when they too have problems similar to what others who want their assistance?
How can they help others when they cannot help themselves? How can they intercede with God for help for others when God don't seem to be able to help them?
If pastors cannot get God to help them in their problems, how could pastors get God to help others? Isn't that ironical?
Isn't it the reality that pastors have problems and are very much in need of help from God as much as the members whom they are pastoring?
Bo Tien 武天 has this to say. The issues and problems of men are many and plentiful. If men turn to God and saints in earnest, God and saints will come to them and issues will usually be no issues more so if not big issues. Big issues even if these cannot be no issues will usually become less issues.
But men must understand that there is the element of fate as well. Sometimes fate is cruel and we have to face the music but the kind thoughts and love of God and saints make it bearable and no issue.
Pastors face problems similar to those they are pastoring and they often cannot solve their own problems, yet people turn to them for guidance. How do they reconcile this oddity? Well, well, they have great faith in God and squarely accept their fate. They feel loved, and with love, no issue is an issue. So they put their heart to address others' problems.
But some may think: what use is a pastor who cannot handle and solve his own life problems? Worse still, what use is a pastor who has weaknesses he don't want those he is pastoring to have? This is not uncommon at all.
But can a pastor be like that? He can be like that because he is man. Man is man and God is God. See not the God in man and the man in God.
Bo Tien 武天 said that we should not mistake man and God. God or saint can choose to speak through a criminal and it does not mean that what is said by that man is not from God, neither is it true that all that are said and done by that man are from God and approved by God.
God or a heavenly saint can decide to train a criminal and turn him to be of God and reform him if God or saint so decide. Who are we to say God has made a mistake? Don't try to see perfection in man more so a pastor.
A pastor is never perfect and he is not God. He is still man. Good can still come out of him as no man is all bad, God can still make use of him. God do make use of pastor to reach out to us.
But if a pastor breaks the laws of the land e.g. embezzlement, he has to be dealt with by the land even if God does not seem to mind and tolerate him to continue in pastoral work.
Bo Tien 武天 says that there is the ways of the land and the ways of God and saints. That heaven does not seem to mind does not mean it is wrong for the land to take him to task. Thus a pastor may be gay. This may be frowned at as distasteful. The laws of the land will deal with him. God seems to be open minded or is this so?
But mind you, the laws of the land can change and in some places, a gay pastor can even marry someone of the same sex. Well, well, man is man and God is God. Think and be mindful of this.
Jesus said that we give to the land what is due to the land and to God what is due to God. Bo Tien 武天 says that we have to contend with the the laws of the land and also the laws of God. There is the same advice in all religions and cultures.
Even a pastor is not spared from the laws of the land and just because he is doing God's work does not mean he can be at liberty to run foul of the laws of the land. Pastor can well have the very same weaknesses and problems of those they are pastoring. Even if favored by God, he has to face the music for any transgressions of the laws of the land.