No 1321 of Living Life Series 1
If we love our children, we cannot say 'Yes' to every request from our children. We must learn to say 'No' half the time, or else our children will end up wanting more and more.
They will not come to terms with reality of life that they cannot have everything. God cannot grant their every whims and fancies.
They will not come to terms with reality of life that they cannot have everything. God cannot grant their every whims and fancies.
If God does grant every wish, they will be more like spoilt brats and grow up as troublesome people. Instead of being happy, they will end up the other way round when they want more and more.
Of a truth, when God or any lord saint loves us, He cannot give in all the time. He if He loves us will have to deny our requests some of the time if not half the time.
But alas men often do not see it that way. They see God as giving in to them all the time. They see God and saints as though God or saint is their own ego - the alter ego (the other I).
Their ego will want them to have everything they wish for and will still be unhappy - not satiated and wanting more. Men often end up worshipping their own ego instead of God or saint.
Do not end up worshipping ourselves when we worship God or saint. God or saint is not our ego.
But men always end up not only fanning their ego but of all things also resurrecting their ego as God. Thus it comes as no surprise that in a temple of the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨, people end up worshipping their ego instead of God and the lord saint.
Then their ego grows too big and egos do clash. All the doctrine and goodness they are supposed to have fly out of the window. They will end up as the antithesis of what doctrine aware people should be.
Men in worshipping God may end up worshipping the devil of their ego. Ego is adverse to 'No'. God will say 'No' half the time but not the ego.
Well, do you get it. If not, think again. Go for some soul searching and be sure that your ego is not you and certainly not God. You will need some spiritual cleansing. Some will simply stay put and hold on to their ego. Ego takes over God. That is not God. We must know that.
Well, do you get it. If not, think again. Go for some soul searching and be sure that your ego is not you and certainly not God. You will need some spiritual cleansing. Some will simply stay put and hold on to their ego. Ego takes over God. That is not God. We must know that.