
The Living Life Series is dedicated to Lord Bo Tien (武天菩萨). The doctrine is in His image. The image is the doctrine. He who sees, understands and effects the doctrine sees and knows Him. He who does not see, know and effect the doctrine sees not and knows not the saint even if the saint or His image is beside him. The far may be near and the near may be far. Let the doctrine and the saint be part of our life. The lord saint in your life can be any heavenly saint of any religion, sect or school. The doctrine of truth is behind all and this is the Inner Truth that leads all (regardless of their religious affiliation or even if none) to inner peace and heaven on earth here and now and not just in the after life. The ideal worship and devotion is to know and effect the doctrine of God and the saints. The best gospel is the gospel of life. We learn from our life and the lives of others. The true temple is the world we live in. The sky is the roof of the temple and religions and sects are the pillars of the temple. All under Heaven are in the temple. Needless to say that all the saints we know are in this temple. Ji Gong Posat too is no exception. The whole wide world and web is the temple and must be regarded as a sacred place --- a temple for living and learning. It is more important that everyone that counts plays a role in this universal temple if due focus is to be given to the Mission of Heaven. Men must not be distracted by the agenda of men and end up serving the mission of man. That would be a far cry from the Mission of Heaven. We worship God and saints, not man however good that man may be. There should be no hero worshiping or idolizing of man whether he is a charismatic pastor, priest, monk, medium or lay leader. We don't even idol worship the image of any saint but reflect on what the image stands for. - the doctrine in the image. Omitofo 阿弥陀佛!.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Adulteration in religion is in the nature of man

No 1161 of Living Life Series 1

In life we must be pure and true to our life and beliefs. One practice or belief must not be contradicted by another. 

Adultery is is bad. It causes hurt to families of both sides. It is robbery of sorts. If adultery is bad, what more do we say with adulteration of religion. 

If the Buddha teaches renunciation and ultimate renunciation is to forgo attachment or clinging to the impermanent, imperfect and to the past, is there the justification to preserve the dead body of a human being more so a monk, not cremating it and even after cremating, scavenging it for sariras - pearls or stones left over after cremation to keep it in stupas (pagodas) 

Isn't this attachment? Isn't this clinging? Such contradictory practices are not uncommon in any country or culture. They are adulteration of the teachings or values propounded by saints like the Buddha. 

The saints had given up their bodies to be beyond the confines of body. They have freed themselves from the ravages of life of clinging and desires. They teach that the unmaintainable cannot be maintained forever. What is on Earth is not as awesome as we want them to be. 

So when some come along and say we never die and will live forever, isn't this a contradiction of the nature of life which God and the saints accept and want us to realize? Will these some tell men that in the name of God and saints, men can go against this? They will as men won't accept reality. Truth can be painful to the unprepared. Often it is better that way - not to face reality.

But not doing so will foster more adulteration. What more, if some say that we will die but will live again not just in spirit but in flesh. Yes, this is true and yet not. True if we are reborn again in the flesh. Isn't that resurrection but not in the same life? Then by definition it is not resurrection at all. 

Men who hang on to the deception that they will not die by the grace of a heavenly saint have accepted that they will die but be resurrected in body and in flesh at the divined time in the future. This is simply a beautiful thought and awesome - to mitigate the unpleasantness of death.

Let us not rock and disturb such beautiful thought. But non-believers will say isn't that a contradiction? They want not to die but they do die anyway. Then they say they will come back again. 

Like it or not, adulteration of religion is in the nature of man. We do not need to read all the written words of men on life and saints. They are adulterated by the views of the writers. Just go for the basic message of a saint. 

It is always about the nature of life and the need to have less wants and not let the wants be the ends. Know what is the end. The end is to find peace and meaning in life through being at peace with life. 

The written texts are varied and many, at times bewildering. Better for us to know life. Life is the best gospel. 

The adulteration in religion is in the nature of men. Accept that this is unavoidable and is in the nature of life. Then some who are ready and more perceptive will want to go to basics, be simple and be pure at being simple. 

Often, men are told to only accept and not to think. That means we have to throw logic (Tao ) to the wind and not even develop it as we make progress in life. 

With such poise, there will be more adulteration of religion. It is here to stay. 

Without adulteration, religion will not be popular and people will not be attracted to religion like insects to the flower for nectar. This analogy to the insects and the flower was mentioned by the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨. Make-belief works wonders to bring in the numbers but won't people be distracted from the basic good in religion?

The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says that for clear water we need to go to the upper source. We must not be swept further down in the downstream of life. 

It is better to stay true to the culture and religion we are in. This already is polluted enough. 

We can see the same problems in all religions. We can learn and we must go upstream for clear water of spirituality. 

Go for more Tao . When we have Tao, we cannot just accept and flow along in the polluted downstream with the adulterated water. 

For the masses, we have to accept that adulteration in religion is in the nature of men. It is here to stay. But there is the need for the mission to bring men to the upper source of the river of life for clear water. 

The messianic complex in men of religion

No 1160 of Living Life Series 1

The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨sets out in 1969 in Singapore to correct the thinking of men the world over with regards to salvation - the saving of souls through all religions. 

He is not here to change people from one religion to another. He starts no new one. He favors none. He wants men to be better in the religion or culture they are in. 

But men go for the easy way out. They undo the good work put in place by the pioneers of religions. What is the easy way out?

In religion, over time, people invariably have developed and will continue to develop the Messianic complex that they just have to believe and be saved. 

Some even go to the extent to vouch that no amount of good or purification of the spirit can save the soul and only belief in a saint will do that. This of course will encourage unintended inaction. 

There will be less incentive to do good, avoid bad and to purify the mind. Saints like Jesus and Ji Gong 济公 are aware of this risk. They want us to go for the Doctrine or Word that they stand for and not go for them. 

Ji Gong 济公 says that what matters is not what goes through the gut or what one does but what is in the heart and goes through the heart. Jesus wants men to know that God is the Word and the Word is God.

The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 puts it bluntly when he says that the near may be far. Those who have faith but not the Word are far though near. 

He also says that he who knows and sees the Word knows and sees him. He who knows not the Word sees not and knows not the saint even if the saint is near to him. 

He adds that the Word is him and he is the Word. 

That echoes what religions have to say about God. God is the Word. The Word is God. Only by knowing and living in the Word can one be truly saved in the long run. 

The Messianic syndrome has caught up with men. Men go for saints as their messiahs. This is good but if they get carried away and do no more than worship and know not, let alone live in the Word, they are swallowed up by the Messianic complex. 

They become lame ducks. They just stay put, believe and hang on to the saint. Everything to them depends on the saint as the messiah. 

They are just like the men who depend on the government of the land for all the problems they have instead of the government depending on them to be good men to make the management of the country easier. 

We need a father figure when young. But we have to grow up and we cannot depend on the father all the time. The father's wish is for us to be independent and be able to be on our own. But there are some who depend on the father beyond the grave. 

Friday, April 29, 2016

Handling false prophets among men in a temple

No 1159 of Living Life Series 1

Many find the attraction to go to a temple. They feel the divine pull of God. They are able to identify with the message given by the leader at the pulpit. They feel that God speaks to them. They get motivated. 

Then when they get involved in cell groups, there will be the few who think they know better and tell us that what we believe and understood is wrong. They want us to listen to them. They want to do the thinking for us and we just accept. 

But what they are adamant on can be clearly unacceptable to us. When we disagree, they say we are bedeviled. They are adamant that we have erred and insist that it is their duty to correct us. It is their God sent duty. 

They pray for us that we repent. They act as though they can speak for God. 

Luckily they are finite in number but they are the ones who make a mess of God. Let God guide and talk to the individual. Let the individual be thinkers. Don't think for them. 

Such people who insist on thinking for others are many. They are like insects who come to the flower for nectar. They want glory for themselves. They seek glory which they fail to have outside the temple or church. 

By telling us that we erred, they feel great. They feel that they are saviors and God has chosen them to be saviors of men. 

They are close to God but yet far. The near can be far. This the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says. The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 reminds us that there will always be insects coming to the flower. 

Blame not the flower for insects coming to it. There are those who think they can speak for God and insist on saving you. Blame not God for such irritations in a house of God. Blame not God for false prophets among men in a temple. 

So, the next time you are in a temple, remember to feel sorry for such false prophets among men in your temple. Feel sorry for them. 

Do not allow them to put you in a sorry state. God speaks to you and to everyone in different ways. God has kind words for you at different moments of your life. 

God does not delegate his love for you to other men. But do be kind to them. They know not what they do. Just give a listening ear but show them you want to think for yourselves. Pray to God that they know what they should think and do. No need to think for them in the way they want to think for you. 

Even in a temple of the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 , do be kind to all who tell you what the good lord wants us to do. Do not encourage false prophets among men and do not be one either. 

Share the teachings of the lord and your own unique experiences. But be aware that the good lord speaks to all of us individually. 

Let the good lord speak to everyone. Do not speak on behalf of the good lord. 

If the good lord can speak to you, surely he can speak to others as well. Will the good lord need you to speak for him? 

Just provide the platform for the good lord to speak to all who come to him. There are many ways for this. A good sermon on a festive occasion serves as one such platform. 

But do remind the individual to think for himself and not let the speaker think for him. Speak to the lord but always remember that the lord wants you to think and not just believe.

Away from the maddening crowd to be with more life

No 1158 of Living Life Series 1

The leaders of temples during the times of Jesus in the flesh were a serious and impressive lot. They proudly and loudly adhered by the rules and the law. 

There was much outward show but they did not back up with what they proclaimed with what they have at heart. They wanted others to abide by the law but themselves could not do so. 

Jesus stood up for what must be in the heart. It is not what one does or what goes through the gut but what is in the heart or what goes through the gut that matters. This was the spirit that Ji Gong 济公  upholds. 

Do not follow blindly but know why the forefathers want us to do this or that. Don't just abide by precepts or commandments but know the spirit behind. 

Live in the spirit and if you can then live up to the law, then that is good. 

Trying to abide by the law but not knowing the spirit behind, let alone live in the spirit is a no good. 

Those who follow the crowd to abide blindly and often unwillingly to the law are just following the maddening crowd. 

Stay away from the crowd and reflect on what is right. That way we are more with life and not be just alive but dead to the true pure spirit of life. 

When we are in a temple, we just follow the crowd and we think we know what we do. We think we are great. 

But we are just swept downstream by the current. For clear water we must go to the upper source. 

We must go away from the polluted downstream. We must go against the current. We must get away from just flowing along downstream. This did the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 remind us. 

For instance, it is not just about chanting the precept not to have sexual misconduct and then in the same breath have no qualms about adulterous and lustful thoughts of thy neighbor's wife or daughter. 

What counts is to have pure thoughts. What counts is what is in the heart or mind. This is common sense. This is true spirituality. Common sense is true spirituality. True spirituality is just simple common sense and nothing to do with the worldly trappings of society. This is Tao

We may need to get away from the maddening crowd. We need to go against the current and go upstream for more life - for clear water. Go against the flow to be more with life - to be alive to life. We need to be away from life to be with more life. 

It all sounds so simple but can we make it? Yes we can and a bit at a time and more we will have. Going for more will end up with our having less of life. 

Be like Ji Gong 济公 but please don't ape. Think for ourselves and don't let others think for us. Don't end up going from the frying pan into the fire.

Do read:
Wine and meat through the intestines pass,
[while] Lord Buddha within my heart remains,
[but] common people, if they imitate me,
is similar to entering the path of demons.

– Chan Master Daoji (Jigong 济公)

Thursday, April 28, 2016

If no respect for elders, a temple has no substance

No 1157 of Living Life Series 1

A temple may have both good and bad. Any temple is like that and a temple of the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 is no exception. 

But one important perspective to check on is to ensure that there is still the respect for elders. If a temple is even lacking in this and has no qualms in denouncing elders and excommunicating elders, then there is something seriously wrong. 

No one is perfect and has both good and bad. Elders are no saints but there must be the respect for elders. Elders may be naggy and bothersome. They must still be visible and at the fore. Elders must be respected in a temple. 

This is a pillar of any temple. If there is not, then it is as good as gone. What sustainable value is there in such a temple? Any temple of the good lord is no exception. 

It is just like in a family, the elders must be valued even if they have their flaws and prove to be liability. If the children care not at all and even damned the elders like the parents, how far can the children go in life? 

Who would trust those who disown the parents and elders? The reliability of society lies in how they respect the elders. The reliability of a temple depends likewise on how the temple respect the elders. Otherwise the temple has no substance. 

Religion teaches us to have moral fibre and respect for elders is a pillar. When some in a religion decide to encourage disrespect for elders and parents and only respect God and saints, then they are a wanting lot. 

They know not what they do. God and saints do forgive them. But they are a disappointment even to God and saints. That goes without saying. 

They want to get parents and elders out of their way so that they can have better hold on the young and gullible. In time, they will be elders and parents. Then the young will get them out of their way. They were groomed by them. 

What more could they expect? They reap what they sow. Young pastors and leaders will edge out the old ones - even getting them out of the house of God built by the old. They do so at all cost. They are unscrupulous and have no moral fibre let alone spiritual... They resort to ungodly ways to bring more to God.

God and saints will still love and accept them (those who do not respect elders) for what they are but hope they be what they are not - that they be better than that. God and saints will not curse them but they will curse themselves instead if they learn not from their folly and make good. 

Be godly in matters of God and saints. This is ever more so in a house of God and saints. 

Well, many care not if a temple has no substance. They just find the old and elderly stumbling blocks. They want to get them out of the way. The elders are eyesores. They must know their place and be scarce. 

But if a temple is like that, lacking in soul and respect for elders, it is more likely that they want to speak for God and saints and not let God and saints speak to them. They want others even God and saints to listen. They will do all the talking. 

The elders should shut their gaps. They should listen and not be heard. Then such a temple is no longer a temple of God and saints. At most it is a temple to worship the ego of those who respect no elders. 

They are on the slippery road of pushing back God and saints to the background. They want to take the centre stage and take over from not only elders but also from God and saints. 

Thus if there is no respect for elders, a temple has no substance. Hope they wake up to reality and that is best. They will as this is the will of God and saints in all religions and cultures. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

God and saints love all even those who do not love them

No 1156 of Living Life Series 1

A good Samaritan will help those in need without conditions. A charitable organisation will help the destitutes unconditionally and the only condition is that they are destitutes. 

What will others think if conditions are indeed attached such as the receivers must be of the same culture ands beliefs. If they are not, then no help will be rendered. They will be left to rough it out and rot. That would be ridiculous and illogical. That is not common sense - not Tao  .

Thus in relation no religion, no religion will say that God and saint will not help and bless those who seek help and blessing if they are not of them. The saints will not insist that men must swear allegiance to them before they can receive help. The saints will not say that once they stray like Prodigal sons, the blessings will be withdrawn and on top of that they will be cursed. 

Repent otherwise no blessing or help is the way of some men but not the way of all saints. But men of religions may end up giving the wrong impression that God and saints are like that. God and saints are not. 

Men of religion are supposed to be more compassionate but why have they become not so, even throwing bad light on God and saints. They make God and saints no different from the devil. 

Even the devil needs help and those in Hell are dear to God and saints. God and saints will not forsake those who need help just because they deny God and saints. 

Even rulers of nations will extend the same services to all regardless of whether the citizens vote for them or not. 

God and saints like good rulers are near to the far so long as the far do need help and blessings. 

The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 assures that even the far are near. Those in hell and even devils are worthy of help. How else could they climb up the ladder of spirituality? 

Do be kind to all even to those who do not speak kindly of us but need help. Be kind to all even to those who are not with us. That is true kindness and love. We are supposed to even love our enemies.

Be like God and saints. God and saints love all even to those who do not love them. It is never their style for men to repent or be damned. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A temple of Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 is no exception

No 1155 of Living Life Series 1

The problems of men are many and plentiful. This the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 laments. We can see this in life and the world. 
Even in a temple of any heavenly saint as long as there are men there are problems. The problems of a temple are not the problems with saints but the problems with men. 

That is why over time, the teachings of a saint in a temple will be diluted and sidelined. This is a truth that we need to know and the mission of the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 is to help temples to be exemplary to bring out the good in that the basic teachings of saints must be brought to the fore. 

With time, the pure water from the upper source will be diluted and polluted as water flows downstream. Likewise, with time and with more men coming to a temple, there is in any temple the good and the bad. With time the bad are added and the good is diluted. 
The good and the bad are in life and even in any temple. A temple of the good lord is no exception. It is exemplary of any temple - like any temple. 

Well, the truth is in life and in any temple. The same is to be expected even in a temple of the good lord. 

A temple of the good lord bears out the truth of what he said about temples and religions. There is need to highlight and stress on the good in temples - the need to know and live in the doctrine of God and saints. 

This is as needed even in a temple of the good lord as it is for all temples of all religions. A temple of Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 is no exception. 

If it is an exception, then what the good lord teaches will not be awesome. Then the mission is no problem and the mission is no longer critical to have - not a must-have but a good-to-have. 

A temple by men in the name of the good lord will be no exception and not exceptional but can still be good for others to learn what should be and should not be. It is still a good example for others to learn and be better at being temples. 

Monday, April 25, 2016

Be logical, love all, favor none and champion none

No 1154 of Living Life Series 1

Favor no religion and champion not any. Many would not expect this of many men let alone saint. This is because they go by the word of men and not what is logical or common sense Tao .

In the first place would a saint of the most high favor any? A saint will not. There are no selected or chosen ones and even those in hell and the ungodly are near to the saint though far from God and saints. 

This did the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 proclaim. He is a heavenly saint of God but favors no religion or champion any specific one. 

What he set out to do is to ensure as many know the common teaching behind all saints and all religions that are of men and by men. 

No need to be beholden to any or to idolize any. Of what use is it to idolize any man or saint and to argue till kingdom come on who is the better or best of men or saints? 

How can one heavenly saint be the only saint and all others are not saints at all? Well, there are men who think like that. They make ungodly saint out of a saint. 

Idolizing whether one saint or many saints does not make one good. It is more important that we be good - have no ill-will, greed or wrong views and learn to love and see things as they are. This is what we need to go for. 

We should not go for gaining favor of God and saint but shallow and lacking in goodness - in pure thoughts and actions. We need to have pure hearts. 

If we pursue purity, surely we will love all men and all beings and all religions. We favor no religion and champion not any. Have the logic or Tao  to love all religions, favor none and champion none. 

But for many, they need to start off with one and then grow into all. This is the road map of spirituality for many. 

Even any saint would have to do the same - start off with one and grow into all if he wants to be part of mission to save souls. Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 is but one of many. 

He endeavours to make everyone to be better at what they are, better in their respective culture and religion. He started off by being a deity of Chinese culture and enlightening those in this culture beyond what others consider as mumbo jumbo. 

Go to temple for God and saints and not the people

No 1153 of Living Life Series 1

Religion teaches us to be less attached to the world and to the family but somehow in so doing it fosters attachment as well - attachment to the house of God. 

There is supposed to be less attachment and more peace but often many end up with more attachment in a temple. They become less than holy in a holy place. 

This can turn ugly when factions occur in a temple and people end up trading blows with one another. What we have perhaps is even more of the ugliness of the world and less of peace. 

What do we expect when temples are run by men who have long way to go to be less attached and more at peace - to be more holy and not full of holes. 

The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 tells us not to blame the flower for insects coming to it for nectar. Blame not the temple for unholy activities that should ideally not be there at all. 

But if a temple does not attract the unholy, there will be few at the temple. Moreover, the holy ones do not need to be there. They can stand on their own. It is the unholy and unwholesome ones who need be there and should be there. 

But they could only be attracted there if there is worldly nectar for them to gain - if there is more of the same they seek outside the temple. 

The more they have, the more attached they will be. They clamor for more and carve territory in the most unholy ways. Temple tends to be run by the less than holy. The holy will have less or no say - or at best a diluted say.

That is why if you have to be at a temple, just go there and leave - go for God and saints and have nothing to do with people. People can put us off. God and saints don't. 

But often people make a mockery out of God and saints. Therein lies the problem. The problems and issues of men are many and plentiful. So did the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 say. Even a temple is not spared from the problems of men. 

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Mockery of God to see God as man

No 1152 of Living Life Series 1

Man is of one kind. Man wants to decide the God he wants. Ironically, it is true that God does not even insist on the man he wants. God gives freewill and much leeway. Why then must man decide the God he wants? Perhaps man is incredible or absurd. 

As man becomes more of the world and more wanting in ways of the world, man creates God in his image - hoarding and wanting more and more. In fact more is not enough. 

How can we say this is the case with even any saint, let alone God Almighty? 

An emperor on Earth wants more and more and will not stop ensuring he has more and more. He will see to that there is not even an iota of dissent in his subjects. 

God too is like an emperor of sorts but he is no man. In fact it is demeaning to refer him as emperor. 

The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says that the ways of men are not the ways of God and saints. God is no man. Man is no God. Man is man and God is God. 

While there is no more dynasty on Earth and no more Emperor because men cannot accept having such an emperor, the irony is that many men still want and conceive God as Emperor. When this happens, men project a ghastly and ungodly image out of God - wrathful, jealous and power hungry, stopping at no measure to ensure that he is every bit God. 

Isn't this doing a great disservice to God? For goodness sake when will men cease to stoop so low and belittle God. Looks like men will always be men. Man is imperfect and imperfect man makes mockery of God. 

It is wrong to do this but according to the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨, we must not make further mistake in recognising this mistake. We must not make the mistake of having guilt and fear arising out of recognising the mistake. 

We must have open mind and learn from our shortfalls and make good. Guilt and fear only hamper us in making good. 

Sin is even worse. It implies that God can even be hurt. God is not man. God is above hurt. With any wrong by man, man wrong himself and others and not God or saints. 

This is just common sense or logic - Tao . But the problem is that many men say we cannot apply logic to religion. When religion is emotion driven and far from logical, what will become of men? 

Our forefathers in China say that the enlightened and spiritual man is a man of Tao  - a man of logic. With no logic, there will be killing, hurt and harm of all sorts mentally and physically in the name of God and religion. 

There will not only be animal sacrifice but human sacrifice as well - even sacrifice of oneself or a loved one. Even a saint, not just man will be sacrificed in the name of God and this is considered worthy and wholesome. 

History is not short of such incidents which have been glorified by men. Isn't this a mockery of God? We fail to see God in God but only the worst of man in God. It is a mockery of God to see God as man. 

Then as said by the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨, the near to God in religion may be far and the far from God with no religion can be near if he sees God as God and saint as saint. Man is no God and no saint. Man must learn to be like God and saint. Man must not make the worst of man out of God and saint. 

This happens when men are one facted in approach. This can happen in any religion, sect or house of God.

Some men of a temple of a saint even squabble over the same saint. They even trade blows in a court of law over the saint. This is against the teaching of any saint - a mockery of a divine saint and his teachings. 

They know not what the saint teaches though they are supposed to know. They think they are doing good in the name of the saint. Isn't this illogical, absurd and a mockery? Let us be aware and mindful of this. Let us reflect - meditate on how to be right in thinking.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Religious labeling more a liability than an asset

No 1151 of Living Life Series 1

If living the part in life makes us different and draw the line between us and others just because we announce to the world we are of one religion, then we may prefer not to do so. 

Many who have learnt the art of living from the religious authorities that be, would rather just live in the values that are taught and share the values with others without announcing that they are of a specific religion. 

It is more likely that they have a better chance of influencing others to live in the same principles. To put it in another way, the others would also learn to be better Buddhists, better Hindus and better Christians as the basic values of love, purity and goodness are present in all cultures and religions. 

Calling names and identifying proudly with one religion or saint may put off others who may not have the inclination to that culture, religion or saint. 

You don't need to be an Indian to admire the famous personalities of India. You don't need to be a Jew to admire the Old Testament or to learn from and admire Jesus. 

If you admire and learn from one, this does not mean you cannot learn and admire the others. 

No one can live in isolation. No one can think he is better than others. 

However well off we are, we need to live with others who are different from us and it is also a fact that they can enrich our lives even if we are better off than them. 

There is oneness behind cultures, religions and nations. They can enrich one another in all ways. 

This oneness behind diversity is behind the message which the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 wants us to know. Ultimately all religions are one though men make them different. 

This is why perhaps we should drop the need to identify ourselves as of this or that religion as far as possible. This is to minimize the divisive nature of religious labelling. 

No need to be distinctive but just be one and merge with all. We are more likely be able to enrich society that way and be enriched by society. 

No need for one to stand out from the rest. No need for a religion to stand out from the rest. Just be one with the rest. Religion should not even make another less of a brother because he is of another religion. 

Religion always risk heightening the 'You' and 'We' mentality. This is discomforting as it promotes ego boundaries. 

At times a few may end up going to the extreme and say that their saint is the only true saint and all others saints are not. This is just ugly ego at its worst manifestation. 

This results in men projecting a bad image of their saint - from a saint of love for all to a saint so jealous and insecure that he wants it be known he is the only one true saint.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Is making merry good even in religion?

No 1150 of Living Life Series 1

Man likes to be entertained. Music and songs uplift the mood of man. If possible, there must be dancing as well. We find these in night spots and entertainment centres. 

Religion has long employed these and sure enough, they bring in the crowd and keep religion in business. Business is good and getting better. Money flows in willingly. Entertainment is free. But without money how long can this go on. 

Making merry is the way in life and has become the way for religion as well. It brings the far from religious to be near to religion. The far will then be near as said by the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨. How true this is? 

He added that insects are attracted to the flower for nectar. Perhaps men are attracted to house of God for merry making. Do not be critical of this. How else could there be a big crowd week after week at the weekly worship? 

But are they not having merry making more than worship? It all depends on the individual. But the men behind must be more responsible as well. 

If they strike a balance and not overindulge in merry making, then there is still spirituality. The focus must be on spiritual and not merry making. 

There must be peace, sobriety and no whipping up of emotion. Emotion driven is not good in the long run though good to bring in the crowd. 

Logic can only come in and take the fore when there is calmness. Spirituality has to be in setting of calmness. 

It is difficulty to have Tao  in emotional based merry making. We will just be carried away by merry making and have no time for thinking let alone meditation and calming the mind to think clearly and have the peace of the spirit. 

More good in man (not conversion) is what God wants out of man

No 1149 of Living Life Series 1

What a saint wants out of a man is that he is better person from learning the teachings the saint imparted. It is not his allegiance to the saint. 

But what a ruler wants out of a citizen is his allegiance but nowadays this too is not a one way traffic. The citizens want the ruler to meet their needs. 

A ruler cares for allegiance but not God or heavenly saint. God or heavenly saint does not become less God or less saint if he loses one follower. 

A ruler or elected member of parliament may lose his seat if even one man decides not to vote for him. 

A ruler or politician is more beholden to the man. God or saint is never beholden to man neither will God or saint expect man to be beholden to him. 

God or heavenly saint is not political and does not need to seek mandate of men every five years or so. 

Why will God or saint need to ensure allegiance? The reason why this may have crept into religion is because of lack of grasp of the teachings of God and heavenly saints. 

God or saint wants men to be good and to be more good. It is this they hope to see in men. 

Conversion is from good to more good and not from one religion to another. 

There is the common teaching of goodness and how to be more good by all saints. This is the simple truth that the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 wants all to understand. 

Religion is not the concern. Goodness is. 

Conversion is from good to more good, not from religion to another religion. 

Rather, the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 hopes that through his effort or mission, everyone will be better in what they are, better in goodness and better in whatever culture or religion they are in or even if none. 

Better in being good in whatever religion or culture is the concern - not conversion. Conversion is not what God and saints want to see in man. More good in man (not conversion) is what God wants out of man. 

When man is emotion driven and not logic driven, they politicise God and saints. God and heavenly saints are no men and men though capable of goodness like God are no God and saints. When men lack logic or Tao , they politicise God. 

Please give to God what is due to God and to man what is due to man. Please regard God as God and man as man. 

When man applies common sense or logic and not emotion, man will surely know that more good in man (not conversion) is what God wants out of man.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Better logic driven than emotion driven

No 1148 of Living Life Series 1

When we are emotion driven, we tend to be less logic driven. Science has shown this is the case. 

Religion should be logic driven rather than emotion driven. Faith may be good but faith is often emotion driven. 

Like it or not, we have to have faith to begin with in religion but as we progress, we need to be logical in what we do and believe. 

We must not take things at face value. We must have doubts and we must question. 

The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says that doubt is good as doubt arises because the person wants to know more and if he does know more, he may end up better spiritually. 

He may understand the teachings of a saint even better than those more seasoned than him. 

Do not believe just because someone at the pulpit says so in the name of God and saints. 

Do not let others think for us. We need to think for ourselves. We need to be logical. 

We need common sense. We need Tao . Without logic and calmness, how can we do things right. How can we be closer to God? Instead of being near, we are far from God? 

Thus religions also teach men to be doctrine orientated. Know the Word and know God. The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says that the Word is his image. The image is the Word. 

He is not what he looks like in his image. Better to look at what he teaches than to look at the image. Better to practice what he teaches than to kowtow to his image. 

Be logical and not emotional. This applies to how we relate to all saints and religions. Do not be driven to hero-worship of man, saint or God. Idolize not God or saint. 

Be logic driven and not emotion driven. We don't wait to be saint before we can be logical in religion. We will never be saint that way. 

Are we living the part?

No 1147 of Living Life Series 1

We always know that we have to do our part in life to make life work not only for us but for family and for society. 

But many are so far from this when they just want what they want out of life and expect all others to do their part to make this possible. Aren't they impossible? 

This exactly is how civil rights can turn ugly for society if taken to ridiculous limits. But then some will say why must they comply with what are set into motion by others perhaps the powers that be - be it in religion or secular society. 

From the spiritual perspective, we must roughly know why we are born into the present life and what are we set to do in this life which we have not done in previous lives. 

We can have indications from the life we are born into - the country, the society, the family and the resources we are born into such as our health our assets and our liabilities. We can also take stock of the milestones that unfurl in our life. 

These will somehow point to the part we are expected or destined to do, to fulfil or to learn. We must fulfil the part that are indicated and if we do so, then life will just run smoother. If not problems aplenty may arise and make life rough and tough. 

This is what fate is all about. No matter how, there is the element of fate which all must contend with. God and saints can help and provide guidance. But a man must know why at times even God and saints seem to be helpless. This did the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 say. 

In short, we must have insight. We must reflect and know the game plan of life as it unfurls and like the chess board, we must know what lies in store for us, otherwise we will be checked mate. We must know how to play the game of life. We must know how to live our part. Always think hard. Are we living our part? 

But less we forget, we can at times change fate but before we can do that we must fit into the part and do our part. We must cultivate Tao  and generate more vibrant pure and divine energy. We must have pure heart. 

How to arrive at ultimate Tao  and not have any fate is a long journey but do not lose heart. Tao 道 is not complicated as it is just common sense. 

But it is not as common as it should be when we are given to emotion and not calm and collected. Well, what do we expect when we invariably have false views, greed and ill-will, we will no longer think and be logical. 

We will be creatures of emotion and no longer peaceful. We must not be emotion driven but logic driven. Many live by emotion and when emotion has the better of religion, what do we expect...

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Far from the part to be near to new parts.

No 1146 of Living Life Series 1

Everything comes to naught. If we know from the start, we won't be affected if what we do in good faith aren't as wonderful as should be. 

We just do what we can and that is it. We go on in life in this way and how we impact others is not the issue. Whether we do what is necessary is. 

Let us move on and not be attached even to what we do or the religion we are in. 

What matters is we have done our part and let us then part with what we have done and move on to do other parts. Just do our part and part ways with what we have parted for others. 

Do our part and part ways with the part we had done to go on to do more parts. Don't live on in the part we have done and not let go. How else can we go on to do better parts?

Hang on not to our part. Let go and do more parts.  We may be near to our part but when done, we need to let go and be far to do other parts. 

The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says the near need to be far from the part they have done and by being far will then end up near to new parts they need to do. 
At the end of life when we have done our part in life, do let go happily and go on just as happily to next life to do new parts. That is how we need to live life and let go this life for next life. Life must be like that.

What is life for?

No 1145 of Living Life Series 1

There is need to have drive in life. We must have the zest for life.

For many, the demands of life are simply too many and this can take away the drive in life. It is because of expectations by society and by themselves. Life becomes complex and complicated. 

There is need to make life more simple but yet able to move on in life - even make progress. 

Often, many are just burnt out and whatever they want to do or need to do becomes a chore - a burden. There enters their life the mental sluggishness - wanting to postpone and not move on. 

Time is wasted and the end result is even less time to do things. They are left behind. 

Then there are those who are in a hurry. They waste no time and seem to get things done. But the rush brings no peace and eventually no joy whatsoever. 

Life is just a mad rush. There are too many things to handle at hand. They try to multi-task and this works for awhile. In time, they get burnt out. 

Then, they too must make life simple, have less things on the table of life for them to chew and digest. Simplicity means less indulgence. 

Sometimes less is more and more is less. The more we have, the further we are in getting what we want out of life. We get bloated and sick.

The less we have the better it is but not too less, otherwise what is the purpose of life? For Godsake, why are we here for?  We need to enable life and make life work for us. What is it that we want or could possibly have in life? This cannot be nothing or everything. 

Trying to do too many and attending to too many wants in life is just too much. Life will not work this way. We must make life work for us by making the effort but not put the cart before the horse. 

We don't want the horse to pull an overloaded cart. We do not want the horse to pull a near empty cart either. Then what is the horse for? 

What is life for if we don't do anything and have no drive or zest for life. It would also defeat the purpose of life if we have too many things in our cart or in life to pull. The horse will tire out or worse still cannot budge. 

The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 sums up by saying the near may be far and the far near - more is less and less can be more. Of course, too little or nothing defeats the purpose of having life. 
Why are we here for? We are here to learn what we have not learnt or did not learn in past life. We may be here for more than a personal calling - calling to do good not just for ourselves but for others. Everyone must reflect on this and have insight on why are they here for in life. 

Religion can add zest to life by reassuring us that there is more to life than we know and more that we can have. But let not religion be the replacement for the life here and now. 

We do not live for the afterlife or for our past. We don't just live for now. We live for now so that we can have a better tomorrow. But life must be peaceful simple and at a pace we can enjoy. 

Religion must be for life here and now and give us the heaven here and now. Why wait for the next life? What is the heaven here and now? To put it in another way, what is life for? To each his own and what is for one may not be for another. 

Remember simplicity counts in what we want out of life. Be simple and be pure. Harm no one and least of all ourselves. Love self and have love to spare for all but don't try to sacrifice others or ourselves to get what we want out of life. 

Sacrificing a bullock, sheep or dove is bad enough. Sacrificing ourselves or others will not help. Even the thought that saints should sacrifice for our benefit is unkind and far fetch. 

Would we want ourselves to sacrifice for others? When we do not, then why allow others to sacrifice for us? 

Worse still, it is ridiculous to want and even love seeing our saint harm himself and sacrifice for us. 

Sacrifice means no love but harm. Life is not about sacrificing. It is about how we love life and can make out of life. 

What is our life here for and how is this different from others and yet complementary to others? It is not about hurting ourselves for others or for others to hurt themselves so that we can be better. That will be unkind and cruel. Violence to self or to others is not what works in life. It is not what life is for.