No 1067 of Living Life Series 1
The silent one who makes the difference He follows the footsteps of the good lord |
What he portrays is the need to be devoted and discipline. Then there is the need to do good and help others. Finally there is the more important need to know what God and saints stand for. This is the doctrine that is common to all religions but best depicted more directly by the Buddha.
Thus in the temple where he descended in 1969, there is the shrine hall with three images. In the center is the Buddha - the doctrine. On the left of Buddha is Goddess of Mercy - the icon for doing good. On the right is the image of Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 who is committed and devoted to the cause of God and all heavenly saints.
The three taken together becomes one. To be whole, we need to be devoted, we need compassion and we need to complete this with doctrine on the nature of life.
Then this three in one sums up the approach of all religions. The doctrine common to all religions is that there is need to know God and saints, what they stand for and to effect the good they stand for. There must be the purity of goodness in us that make us want to be good and do good.
We must not do good to inflate our ego - to show how good we are and to want praise and glory. The good lord like God and saints leads by example.
They take care of us but not because they want glory and praise. They have no ego. They have purity of doing good and this has nothing to do with furthering self interests and to win acclaim.
They do not at all want to show their divine majesty. There is no need to. All they want is for us to know doctrine - the logic of life and to live in the logic of life common to and behind religions.
Those who know the logic of life knows and are near to God and saints. All who know not this know not and are far from God and saints even if they are in a house of God 365 days a year.
The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 echoes this when he said. "The image is the doctrine. The doctrine is the image."
It is pertinent that he points out that the near may be far and the far near. This statement has many applications and the one referred here is but one.
The three taken together becomes one. To be whole, we need to be devoted, we need compassion and we need to complete this with doctrine on the nature of life.
Then this three in one sums up the approach of all religions. The doctrine common to all religions is that there is need to know God and saints, what they stand for and to effect the good they stand for. There must be the purity of goodness in us that make us want to be good and do good.
We must not do good to inflate our ego - to show how good we are and to want praise and glory. The good lord like God and saints leads by example.
They take care of us but not because they want glory and praise. They have no ego. They have purity of doing good and this has nothing to do with furthering self interests and to win acclaim.
They do not at all want to show their divine majesty. There is no need to. All they want is for us to know doctrine - the logic of life and to live in the logic of life common to and behind religions.
Those who know the logic of life knows and are near to God and saints. All who know not this know not and are far from God and saints even if they are in a house of God 365 days a year.
The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 echoes this when he said. "The image is the doctrine. The doctrine is the image."
It is pertinent that he points out that the near may be far and the far near. This statement has many applications and the one referred here is but one.