The 13th day of the ninth lunar month is Mission Day. It is time for reckoning and reflection for those who are not aligned with
the mission of the lord saint Lord Bo Tien and even for those who are aligned
but yet not exemplary, that is, not effecting the doctrine of the lord saint in
the way they speak, act or think. Time to not only believe, understand but to
practise the doctrine in life. Time to make use of doctrine as raft to cross the
river of life and not admire or carry the raft on shoulders and risked being
drowned by the river of life. Day for reckoning
The anniversary day of the descent of the lord saint Lord Bo Tien falls on 13th day of the 9th lunar month which is the 27th day of October 2012.
Inner Truth Netizen has dedicated the following posts as the mission day messages.
behaviour of many in a temple or church...
The anniversary day of the descent of the lord saint Lord Bo Tien falls on 13th day of the 9th lunar month which is the 27th day of October 2012.
Inner Truth Netizen has dedicated the following posts as the mission day messages.
Two wrongs a temple or church should not have